We Believe in Young & Adult Carers
Get in touch for a warm welcome
Credu also supports : WCD Young Carers & Powys Young and Adult Carers
Do you look after a family member or a friend?
Then you matter too!
We listen to you, because each person and their circumstances are unique. We support unpaid and family carers of all ages in Ceredigion.
Some examples of the way Carers get support include:
Having someone to talk to who will listen and help work out a way forward
Accessing the right information – to make informed choices
Connecting with groups, activities, trips, other services & organisations
Getting a break - replacement care (adult carers), activities and trips (young carers) or other ways of having a break
Supporting a life alongside caring - with education, work, social opportunities, health and wellbeing
Skills and training - for your caring role, for your own wellbeing and aspirations
Voice and influence - supporting carers to have their voices heard and to influence the organisations and services they use.
Counselling - free service for over 18s provided by volunteers
Funding - help to access grants, funding and benefits
Support with Hospital discharge, preparing for someone to come home from hospital and a new or changed caring role

To get support, or find out more,
call 03330 143377 or email ceredigion@credu.cymru
Gofalwyr Ceredigion Carers is a consortium made up of Credu – Connecting Carers, Carers Trust North Wales and Carers Trust West Wales.
Am I a Carer?
If you look after a family member of friend who is unwell or disabled, then you are a Carer. This might be your child / spouse / parent or other relative / friend. Carers are important to families and communities, which can be both rewarding and challenging in all sorts of ways, both practical and emotional.
We think Carers are amazing. We love to listen to you and support you with what is important to you in a way that works for you, whether you just need some basic information or if you want to work through some complicated challenges.

Adult Carers
Are you an adult who looks after someone?
When you look after your child/spouse/parent or other relative/friend who is unwell or disabled… it can be both rewarding and challenging.
Credu is here to support you and offer practical and/ or emotional support.
Our support is completely flexible around what you need and what works best for you.
Maybe you need someone to be a voice for you, or you need advice on a certain subject, maybe you just want to have a coffee and a chat, get in touch (link) our support is entirely flexible and is centred around what works best for you and what you tell us you need.
We also organise various support groups/activities that you are welcome to join and connect with other carers in.
We are here for you and to offer you a level of support that you are comfortable with You can contact us, and you’ll get a warm welcome
Young Carers / Young Adult Carers
A young carer is someone who supports or helps to look after someone with a disability or someone who is unwell.
We have a friendly team at Ceredigion that is there to provide you with information and guidance, to support you, to offer to represent you or speak on your behalf if you need help (for example with school) or to just listen to you and understand your situation.
We understand how challenging it can be to support someone whilst juggling so many changes in your life such as school /friends / social life, and just how important it is to have someone that you can reach out to to talk to or go to for help or advice.
We also organise support groups and activities and can connect you with other young carers who are in similar situations.
Ceredigion is here for you and will work with you to provide you with exactly the support that you need and want.

Ceredigion Council Carers Information Service
Carers information service
Ceredigion Carers Card
Carers Magazine
Carer Fund
Carers Allowance benefit information - Get information on Carer’s Allowance and how to make a claim. Telephone: 0800 731 0297
Delta Connect (English) - The CONNECT project provides an enhanced lifeline and telecare service across Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire and Ceredigion
Young Carers Card

The Young Carer ID Card is for Young Carers.
A Young Carer is someone who helps to look after a friend or family member who cannot manage on their own because they have a disability, physical or mental illness or are affected by substance or alcohol misuse.
You can apply for the Young Carer ID Card if you or the person that you care for lives in Ceredigion.